Sound Healing

Diploma in Sound Therapy with musician & sound healer Tim Wheater at Elizabeth Whiter (founder of the Healing Animal Organisation) in West Sussex.

What Is Sound Healing And Sonotherapy?
…and how it works?
Sage Academy of Sound Energy – New York – USA
(SAGE Center for the Healing Arts)
“If we accept that sound is vibration and we know that vibration touches every part of our physical being, then we understand that sound is heard not only through our ears but through every cell in our bodies. One reason sound heals on a physical level is because it so deeply touches and transforms us on the emotional and spiritual planes. Sound can redress imbalances on every level of physiologic functioning and can play a positive role in the treatment of virtually any medical disorder.”
— Dr. Mitchell Gaynor, director of Medical Oncology and Integrative Medicine, the Cornell Cancer Prevention Center in New York.Sound is fast regaining its place as the pre-eminent healing modality. Having been first used by the ancients, sound therapy has undergone a period of re-discovery and is now poised to reveal the intricacies of healing both at the cellular and psychological levels.Fundamental principles of sound healing
The most important principle of sound healing may be considered Resonance, a word with several implications. In the context of human healing, resonance can be described as the frequency of vibration that is natural to a specific organ or body system (such as the heart or the respiratory system). This innate frequency is known as the prime resonance.

At the cellular level, all cells emit sound frequencies as a consequence of their metabolic processes. Further, there is an interaction between the cells’ own sounds and those  imposed by the environment, including sound healing devices. The resonance principle implies cellular absorption of the healing sounds that are introduced and/or their harmonics. In sound healing, resonance principles are engaged to re-harmonize cells that have been imprinted with disruptive frequencies. Such troublesome imprints may have been a result of toxic substances, emotional traumas, pathogens, or long-term exposure to noise pollution.

Through the current flourishing of research in the field, today the ancient art of sound healing is rapidly developing into a new and honored science. There is now a mass of research into the healing benefits of ultrasound, including its use in breaking up kidney stones and shrinking tumors.  In addition, infrasound and audible sound are now also recognized as having immense healing properties.

Sound also acts upon cellular ion channels to elicit a healing response. Situated within a cellular membrane, ion channels are the means by which the cell receives nourishment and communicates with neighboring cells. In dysfunctional cells, it is believed that some of these vital channels are shut down causing cells literally to fall asleep. In this hypothesis, sound opens the closed channels, supporting the cell to awaken and resume normal functioning and replication.

Another key aspect of sound healing is “cymatics,” the study of wave phenomena, as pioneered by Swiss medical doctor and natural scientist, Hans Jenny (1904-1972). Jenny discovered that he could use sound to animate inert powders, pastes, and liquids into life-like, flowing forms that mirror patterns found throughout nature, art and architecture. What’s more, all of these patterns were created using simple sine wave vibrations (pure tones) within the audible range. Sound creates a dynamic mandala-like pattern in every water molecule of your physical body and, since the body is 60% water, the effect on your whole system is quite effective. Thus we see a physical representation of vibration, how sound manifests into form through the medium of various materials. “In the beginning was the word…” takes on a whole new meaning while looking at these experiments!
Another good read from this site: cymascope

The Sound Of All Silences
Like most of the talk on sound healing these days i will start with the fact that we are living in a world of  frequencies; that everything around us vibrates and makes sound.  The sounds we are aware of, and unaware of. The Sounds we can hear consciously make up the reality we know so far, based on the architectural range of our hearing, we “sound the world to life, literarily.  A new range of sound awareness is being felt, and the unheard sounds are becoming a major part of sound healing. The energy of sound vibrates and creates all things.  The reality of our universe consists of energy waves which vibrate at different speeds. Our neurons vibrate to our thought patterns and send electromagnetic energy to the world around us. ”  The vibrational frequency in which we operate will attract a similar vibration to us. Like attracts like.  The experiences of our lives are a direct result of our vibrational state, our thought patterns and feelings are sending around us  frequencies that will attract what we are already processing. “

   Matter is made of a molecular structure and space, as it was told by our scientists (and ancient Sages from the Vedic and buddhist traditions), no object is really solid, rather it vibrates at different speeds and makes the object appear solid. Objects are made of atoms and quarks vibrating at different speed giving the impression of solidity.
By being aware of this fact, we are all developing what i call the 3rd Ear. Awareness is the starting point of all transformations.
Our world is a world of exchange of vibrational energies, sound.
In Quantum science it is say that our observation affects the object being observed, it interacts with our desires. Observation affects reality. In a controlled experiment, researchers demonstrated how a beam of electrons are affected by the act of being observed. Our influence on our reality is limitless. Particles can also behave as waves, sound.
Our vibrational signature is the electromagnetic field of who we are, body, mind and spirit. This vibrational energy that is us will attract energy similar to our own. When we are tapping a tuning fork in proximity to another one of the same tone, both will vibrate, it has been called the law of resonance. Our experiences correlates with the frequency we emanate. So in this understanding, a happy person will attract happy people around resonating at a similar frequency, a person with negative thoughts will be more inclined to surround her/his self with a negative person, and so on.
In raising our consciousness and vibration (awareness of our thoughts) our perceptions of the world will change and we will transfmute with it.
Sound Healing is a tool to transform our field and resonate to higher frequency, using the law of resonance, and by matching our vibrational signature to the fundamental tone of the universe, the creative power of all that grows, and all that breathes.
Our brain pulses and vibrates like everything in this Universe. The brain pulse is measured like sound in cycles per second or Hertz. Sound healing can bypass our thoughts clutter,  and the monkey jumping from branch to branch will quiet down.
A still point can be created and the brain waves can be entrained to a theta or delta “state of mind”.
At this point the merging of energies is facilitated and the field can be harmonized to All That Is, restored with balance and wellbeing. In this range of brain waves, one can merge with the mass consciousness of our planet and beyond, thus making a link to the Source and tapping into the limitless power of who we really are, Multidimensional being.
All audible sound takes birth from the ocean of the unheard composition that is life (our reality). It is taking place within and without ourselves,  and we are the entire part of this symphony, being the micro cosmos mirroring the universe, and the universe reflecting us in return.The unstuck cord. The sound of silence.
Silence doesn’t really exist. The architectural make-up of our physical body leads us to believe otherwise. But as is the case in many aspect of our lives, things are not what they seem (appear) to be. “You have to believe it to see it” William Blake reminded us. You have to believe in the subtle sound before being able to sense it, to hear it. ”  We live in extraordinary times, where the veils of illusion are dropping down around our feet, letting our mind, and more so, our heart  “à découvert” to be open, giving us a choice for a new world yet to be created. A new string to be struck, a new chord to be played.  “

   We are still living in the mist of (re)discovering a whole new consciousness and “raison d’être” literarily translated as “reason of being”. With the awareness of the vast vibrational world around us, our ears will expand to new frequencies. By feeling a wider range of sound, logos, our new resonance will match our new consciousness. Our living Mantra.
By this awareness alone, a door is open to healing (from the root word of wholeness). From the center of our heart, a 3rd Ear is now developing, from our daily awareness comes a new dawn in  the human history. A recalibration is taking place naturally.
Non judgment, compassion, thinking from our heart and to be attuned to the beauty and miracle of life, helps us position ourselves as allies to the forces of creation (Chi / Prana).  Once our own frequencies are matching or are resonating harmoniously with the natural order, we are making a conscious sound that will travel and ripple into our reality. It will result in true sound healing.

and within that silence all the sounds of the universe harken to our souls…..wake up to your awakening…you are already there.

Benefits of a sound Session, private or in group, workshops on sound awareness and Sound Healing Concerts…
  • Harmonization of the physical and psychic
  • Refocusing the physical body and the mental body
  • Physical and mental balance
  • Spiking of nitric oxide
  • relaxation, Calmness of mind
  • Development of a quality of harmonious well-being
  • personal development
  • Normalization of blood pressure
  • Improving stress-related disorders and anxiety
  • Improved sleep
  • Balance of the immune system
  • Improved sense of hearing
  • Stimulation of energy
  • Self-confidence
  • Assertiveness
  • Decision Support, clarity of mind
  • Mental preparation (exams, contests, competitions)
  • Improved concentration and creativity


What is Sound Healing?  By Simon Heather from the College of Sound Healing in UK

Sound healing is the therapeutic application of sound frequencies to the body/mind of a person with the intention of bringing them into a state of harmony and health.

Sound Healing can be transmitted to a person in a number of ways:-

1) Through using their own voice
2) Through using their voice with other voices
3) Through using their own voice while listening to music

4) Through listening to another person’s voice or a number of voices
5) Through listening to an instrument or instruments
6) Through listening to music or sound through a loudspeaker or through headphones

How Does Sound Healing Work?

Each organism has its own vibratory rate. Every object in the universe has its own unique resonant frequency. Tap a wineglass and it will emit a ringing sound determined by its size, shape and the thickness.

When an opera singer vibrates a glass with her voice the singer has matched her voice to the resonant frequency of the glass and set it into vibration. As the singer increases the volume of her sound the resonance becomes too great for the forces that hold the glass together and it shatters.

Luckily, our bodies are more flexible than a glass! The cells of our body enjoy the vibration of sound.

If one ‘C’ tuning fork is struck and placed next to another ‘C’ tuning fork, the second tuning fork will begin to resonate together with the first tuning fork. The sound wave from the first tuning fork has imparted some of its energy to the second one.

If the stem of the tuning fork is placed on a metal, glass or wooden object, this object will begin to vibrate. A simple experiment can be conducted by placing a tuning fork on the top of one’s head. You will find that bone is an excellent conductor of sound.

In air sound travels at         340 metres per second (    760mph).
In water sound travels at  1,500 metres per second ( 3,350mph).
In glass sound travels at   5,600 metres per second (12,500mph).

The human body is made up of 70% water; this makes it a very good conductor of sound.

Modern medicine now uses sound waves to break up kidney and gallstones in the body. The machine used is called a Lithotripter. This machine bombards the stones with a specific sound frequency for one to two hours. The patient is admitted in the morning and discharged in the evening. Generally no anaesthetic is needed. With most patients only one treatment is necessary to break the stones down. The pulverised stone is passed out of the body through the urine.

High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) is now used in some NHS hospitals and private clinics to treat prostate cancer. The therapy closely targets tumours, causing much less damage to healthy tissue than conventional surgery or radiotherapy.

Every organ, every bone, every cell in the body has its own resonant frequency. Together they make up a composite frequency like the instruments of an orchestra. When one organ in the body is out of tune it will affect the whole body.

Through the principle of resonance it is possible to use sound to bring the body back into harmony hence avoiding the need for drugs or surgery.


In 1665 a Dutch scientist Christian Huygens, ‘discovered’ the principle of ‘entrainment’. This principle states that whenever two or more oscillators in the same field are pulsing at nearly the same rate, they tend to lock in and begin pulsing at exactly the same rate. The powerful rhythmic vibrations from one source will cause less powerful vibrations of another source to lock into the vibration of the first source.

Systems theory states that; “the less diversity there is in a system the more energy it will conduct.” It takes less energy to pulse in cooperation that in opposition. The composer Paul Hindemith said “People who make music together cannot be enemies, at least while the music lasts!”

Nature seeks the most efficient state. We see the law of entrainment in action when birds fly together in migration; they will flap their wings together and glide at the same time to save energy. Women who work or live together will often find that their menstrual cycles will synchronize.

Itzhak Bentov illustrates this phenomenon in his book ‘Stalking the Wild Pendulum’. If you place a number of grandfather clocks on a wall with pendulums all swinging at different rates within a few hours all the pendulums will be swinging at the same speed!

The principle of entrainment can be experienced when one sings in a choir. If you are singing next to someone with a strong voice it is easy to sing your part. If the person with the strong voice is singing a different part to you it becomes much harder to hold your part.

If you sing a strong clear harmonious sound to a person who is sick or out of balance their body will lock into your powerful healing sound. The principles of resonance and entrainment are both at work in a sound healing treatment

Recent scientific research has identified specific sound frequencies, which relate to different parts of the body. Therapeutic application of the appropriate sound frequencies can help disorders in those parts of the body.

If a part of our body is out of balance we can retune it like tuning a piano. If a piano is out of tune, do we drug the offending key or rip out the offending piano wire? This is precisely what we do to the human body.

Rudolph Steiner said: – There will come a time when a diseased condition will not be described as it is today by physicians and psychologists, but it will be spoken of in musical terms, as one would speak of a piano that was out of tune.


Jonathan Goldman in his book ‘Healing Sounds – The Power of Harmonics’ says: – “When we have learned techniques for harmonic toning, the human voice is able to create nearly every frequency, at least within the bandwidth of audible frequency”.

Jonathan offers the simple formula: – “Frequency plus Intention equals Healing”. If we can find the right sound frequency coupled with the right intention then healing will occur.

Intention is another important principle underlying the way sound healing works. If we sing a pure sound to another person with a pure intention then healing will occur.

Every action we perform has a conscious or unconscious intention behind it. We can see the principle of intention at work when a mother sings her baby to sleep. In a Sound Healing treatment, the sound carries our intention to the person receiving treatment.


Research in the USA has shown that certain sounds are under stress in our voices. These sounds correspond to imbalances in our bodies. Changing our voice pattern changes our brain wave frequencies and reduces illness.

Removing the stress frequencies in the voice has helped to reduce high blood pressure; it has helped diabetes, emphysema, and eye problems, reduced pain and speeded up the bodys healing.

Our voice is the ultimate healing instrument. All of us have the ability to create pure tone and vocal harmonics. There is a Sufi saying that “The voice is the only instrument made by God. All other instruments were made by man.”

Toning is an easily learnt skill that begins to free the voice again. Regular toning helps to re-energise the body and restore health to the mind, body and spirit. There is a saying in Germany that ‘ bad men don’t sing’!

When groups of people tone together, it produces a tremendous feeling of connectedness.

Laurel Elizabeth Keys in her book ‘Toning the Creative Power of the Voice’ says: – “A whiny weak voice will suck in negativity, attracting lingering illness like cancer, asthma, allergies, tumors, rheumatism and arthritis. No healing will be possible until the person reverses their tonal pattern”.

Laurel discovered toning by accident. One day her body became filled with a sound so great that she had to express it: – “Each time I toned, my body felt exhilarated, alive as it had never felt before, a feeling of wholeness and extreme well-being”.


Pythagoras lived on the Greek island of Samos from 560-480 BC. He is credited with the invention of the monochord and the discovery of the harmonic ratios in sound. Pythagoras said “study the monochord and you will know the secrets of the universe”.

The monochord is a long wooden box with one long string attached to two raised pieces of wood to permit it to vibrate. When the string is plucked it produces a sound that is called the fundamental tone of the string. Using a wooden bridge we can divide the string in two. When either half of the now divided string is plucked it will produce the same note as the fundamental except it will be an octave (eight notes) higher, since it is vibrating twice as fast as the vibration of the fundamental.

If the string were divided equally into three, the note produced would be different from the fundamental note. If the fundamental note was ‘C’ the note produced would be ‘G’, an octave above the fundamental note. If the string were divided equally into four the note produced would be a ‘C’, the same note as the fundamental note but two octaves higher.

Pythagoras found that whenever the whole string was plucked, higher sounds would be created at the same time as the fundamental note. These higher sounds or ‘harmonics’ were mathematically related in frequency to the fundamental note through whole number ratios of 2:1, 3:1, 4:1. These harmonics were related to each other in ratios of 2:3, 4:3, 5:8. Pythagoras discovered that these ratios were found in the proportions used in art and architecture.

Pythagoras saw the universe as a giant monochord, an instrument that stretched between heaven and earth. The higher sounds were those of pure spirit and the lower ones were those of the earth. Pythagoras found the harmonic intervals in all phenomena in nature, the elements, the planets and constellations.

In the 1920’s a German scientist called Hans Kayser developed a theory of harmonics based on Pythagoras’s work. Kayser states that the whole number ratios of musical harmonics are found in the basic laws of chemistry, physics, crystallography, astronomy, architecture, spectroanalysis, botany and other natural sciences.

Singing Harmonics

Singing any note produces harmonics. Within one note are many notes all related to the fundamental note through exact mathematical ratios.

Most of the time we are unaware of the existence of harmonics. When we are in a room with good acoustics like a church or a bathroom, we are suddenly aware of a richer sound. The richer sound is produced by the harmonics that are accentuated by certain acoustic spaces.

The ancient people used this knowledge when they constructed sacred sites like Stonehenge, Newgrange or the Kings Chamber in the Great Pyramid. All these buildings were sound chambers where sound healing took place.

When we hear music rich in harmonics, like Gregorian Chant, Indian classical music or a cappella singing it induces an altered state of consciousness. It changes our brain patterns so that we feel more relaxed, more connected with the music.

Ancient cultures understood the power of harmonics. Stringed instruments are particularly rich in harmonics. In the bible, David is said to have played the harp to heal King Sauls depression. Orpheus played the lyre, another stringed instrument in Ancient Greek mythology. In India, Saraswati, the Goddess of wisdom and music, is seen playing the Veena, a stringed instrument.


Music is filled with musical intervals. If we sing or play two different notes, one after the other or at the same time, we create a musical interval. Each musical interval will have a different effect on our body, our emotions, and our mind. This explains why we choose different types of music at different times.

Generally, simple intervals like the third (eg C/E) and the fifth (eg C/G) are uplifting and sound pleasing to the ear. Minor intervals can induce tension or feelings of sadness. Some intervals are discordant and can help us to get in touch with darker emotions.

In an experiment, two people sang the notes of the octave into an oscilloscope (an instrument which measures sound waves). On the screen of the oscilloscope appeared the symbol of infinity, the figure eight. Is it a coincidence that the Latin word for eight is octave?

When we study musical intervals further, we discover that each interval produces a mathematical ratio. For example, the octave produced the 2:1 ratio, the fifth produces the 3:2 ratio.

When we study nature, we find these simple mathematical ratios cropping up everywhere. They are found in the structure of the atom, in crystals, leaves, petals, shells, in the proportions of the human body, and in the orbits of the planets around the sun.

Architects used these ratios when building the great cathedrals and ancient sacred buildings. Goethe described architecture as frozen music.

Cancer Cells

Fabien Maman’s research has shown how sound can destroy cancer cells. Cancer cells were found to become unstable and disintegrate when they were played all the notes of the musical scale. “In contrast healthy cells absorbed and integrated the sound without resistance.”   (Fabien Maman – The Role of Music in the 21st Century – Book 1)


Singing very simple chants has another effect. After a period of chanting the mind becomes relaxed and clearer. This effect is used in most spiritual traditions. In India this practice is called ‘kirtan’.

Over time music became more complex in Western society. The singer and musician have to stay more concentrated in their left brain function. Consequently we have lost much of the healing power of sound in our modern music.

When the mind repeats the same phrase over and over again, we relax and find ecstatic states of joy and inner peace. This is particularly the case when we sing or chant with great devotion.


Listening to Pacabel’s Cannon which has a rhythm of 64 beats per minute, (the rate of a resting heart beat), will change our brain wave pattern from Beta to Alpha.

Slower tempo music slows our breathing rate. The human heartbeat will tend to match the rhythm of music. Researchers at Louisiana State University found that listening to hard driving rock music increased the heart rates of young adults working out. Easy listening music allowed them to do longer training sessions and experience lower heart rates.

Music influences the limbic system of the brain through pitch and rhythm affecting our emotions, feelings and sensations. Listening to certain music calms the nervous system and improves metabolism.


Repetitive drumming slows down our brain rhythm helping us to experience trance like states. These techniques, prominent in shamanic practices, allow the healer or client to leave normal conscious awareness in order to journey to other realms of consciousness. Here, healing can take place.

Barbara J.Crowe says that from a physiological perspective, drumming creates this affect in the listener because of the action of the reticular activating system (RAS) located in the brainstem. This structure alerts the brain to incoming sensory stimulation. Loud, repetitive sound such as drumming floods the brain with input and overrides the other sensory channels. Normal brain activity is suppressed, and the consciousness is freed to explore other forms of perception.


Our body has a whole number of rhythms: –

Heartbeat – normally between 60 and 75 beats per minute (Resting 60 / Average activity 72)
Breath – normally 14 to 16 breaths per minute
Cranio-sacral pulse – 8 to12 times per minute
Gastrointestinal tract – contracts once a minute
Stomach – contracts every three minutes
Brain waves – waking state 18 to 22 cycles per second (see earlier in the book)
Body temperature – changes from day to night

All these rhythms will be affected by the drumbeat.

When we are in a state of stress our heart beat can increase to 87 beats per minute. When we are deeply relaxed this rate will fall to around 57 beats per minute.

The regular rhythm of the drumbeat will entrain our heartbeat to its rhythm. In a healing session we may take a person’s pulse to determine their heart rate then begin playing at that rate. Over a period of ten minutes we can gradually reduce the drum beat rate to help the person to relax. We can watch their breathing rhythm to gauge how quickly their heart rate and breathing rate has entrained to our beat.

Simon Heather explores these four aspects of sound Resonance, Intervals, Harmonics and Chant in his book The Healing Power of Sound and in his Sound Healing courses.



Treatments & workshops at The Light Centre Monument, London


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